Friday, March 6, 2009

Toujours, un grève

This is what most of campus looks like: piles of chairs and desks all over the place. Most of them are blocking doors to all the buildings; this one here is more symbolic, I guess. These are the front gates to the school but these desks here aren't really keeping anyone out. All the main university courses are cancelled for the time being, but since all of my classes are through the International Students department, they're still going on. But there's still small interruptions - my professors had to find a new room for our classes, and I couldn't get back my politics exam because my professor couldn't get to his office. Yikes. Some of my friends haven't had classes for weeks, and are wondering if they'll still get credit if the strike continues. I just couldn't imagine something like this happening at Geneseo, but I guess its pretty normal here.

A class I had last Tuesday was cancelled and a friend's class was on strike. So where do you go when you have a sudden petits vacances thrust upon you?

The Meditteranean Sea, bien sûr. Just a 5 euro train ride away. Sometimes I wonder how this life is possible.


Anonymous said...

Where's the beach?

Anonymous said...

Where's the beach?

Jill said...

The beach is there! that photo is just one view of a man-made thingy to protect against big waves and storms, I guess? Trust me mom, there was plenty of beach besides!